

5 Legendary Baseball Players Who Love a Game of Poker

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HomeBlogsChris Sloan's blog5 Legendary Baseball Players Who Love a Game of Poker
5 Legendary Baseball Players Who Love a Game of Poker
Chris Sloan

Poker is a classic casino game widely available in land-based and online casinos. Apart from the risk and excitement in casino games, poker involves strategy because you are betting against cards and players. There are different game variants, but the common theme is to win chips off your opponents. There is a hierarchy system for the combination of cards dealt to players. The strategy involved in poker makes it a suitable recreational activity for friends and family. If you would like to relax with a poker game, you can try any of the casinos listed on the Internet. Each casino has fantastic offers, such as free slot machine games. Below are some renowned names in baseball that shared their love for poker. 

Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez, commonly referred to as A-rod, is a baseball legend who began his career in the MLB in 1994 with the Seattle Mariners and retired after spending 13 seasons with the New York Yankees. In his illustrious career, A-rod hit over 600 home runs and won a World Series in 2009. However, Rodriguez did not allow the efforts and dedication required to attain a career such as his own to stop him from exploring his love for poker. Besides, everyone can browse an updated list of the best online casinos in Australia to try Alex's favourite game from the comfort of their home. Rodriguez has participated in numerous poker competitions, both professional and charity, some of which were televised. 

Tug McGraw

McGraw is a baseball legend who spent the first half of his career with the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies. He got an all-star title in 1972 and 1975 and played a key role in the New York Mets team that won the World Series in 1969, as well as the Phillies side that won it in 1980. He was also a poker enthusiast who loved both the competition and strategy in the game. Although he started playing poker during his baseball career, McGraw never pursued poker professionally, only as a form of recreation. 

Mickey Mantle

Mickey Charles Mantle is a baseball player who most fans regard as the greatest player to ever play in the MLB. He won 7 World Series with the Yankees, 3 MVP awards and was a 20-time All-Star. His career was seriously affected by injuries, but Mantle never ceases to keep fans entertained during games. He is also one of the big names in baseball who loves to relax with a poker game. He didn't play the game professionally because it was only leisurely for him. Mantle only loved to play with friends and family. 

Pete Rose

Peter Edwards Rose, also referred to as Charlie Hustle, is a renowned figure in the history of the MLB. He played for the Reds, Phillies, and Expos, primarily as an infielder. He is a 17-time All-Star who won the MVP in 1973 and the World Series thrice. Unfortunately, he is not in the MLB Hall of Fame due to a life ban. Rose's love for poker is purely recreational, but he has played in several games outside of closed doors, unlike other celebrities. He has been invited to numerous charity events.

Johnny Bench

Johnny Bench retired from Baseball in 1983 after delivering 17 remarkable seasons in the MLB. He spent all his career with the Cincinnati Reds, where most fans recognised him as one of the best defensive catchers in MLB history. He is a 14-time All-Star that won the MVP twice and the World Series twice. Johnny Bench retired as a legend to the Cincinnati Reds. During and after his career, played poker, especially during celebrity events. All his exploits in poker, however, were only recreational. 

More Celebrities that Love Poker

Many more celebrities, both in and out of Baseball, love to play poker. For instance:

  • Ben Affleck. Affleck plays the game professionally and leisurely, and his exploits are well-documented. He received direct coaching from professionals, which has helped him to win tournaments. 

  • Michael Phelps. Phelps is another athlete who loves to play poker but only at recreational and social levels. He has participated in celebrity poker tournaments. 

  • Jennifer Tilly. The famous actress from the "Child's Play" series is also an enthusiast who has made waves in the poker community at a professional level. 

  • Shannon Elizabeth. Following her success in the movie industry, the star of "American Pie", Shannon Elizabeth, has picked up a lot of skills as a professional poker player and has participated in numerous tournaments.

You may watch your favourite celebrities play at charity events or professional poker competitions. Poker is arguably the best casino game you can play because it provides an avenue for gamblers to take risks whilst keeping everyone entertained.

Check out our full list of the Best Baseball Movies for Kids for a better option for younger fans.

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About Chris Sloan

Chris Sloan is a former baseball league commissioner and travel baseball coach who has made significant contributions to the sport. In 2018, he founded selectbaseballteams.com, a website that helps parents find youth and travel baseball teams in their local areas. Since its launch, the website has experienced impressive growth, offering a wealth of resources including teams, news, tournaments, and organizations. Chris's unwavering passion for baseball and his innovative approach to connecting parents with quality baseball programs have earned him a respected reputation in the baseball community, solidifying his legacy as a leading figure in the world of youth and travel baseball.

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